
October 30, 1993. Nagasaki JAPAN

Article I - Name, Objectives and Office

-Section I. The name of the association shall be “Asian Shoulder Association”.
“Shoulder” is a medical specialty which includes the investigation, preservation, restoration, and development of the form and function of the shoulder girdle, arm, and associated structures by medical, surgical, and physical means.

-Section II. The objectives of the association shall be:

The association will furnish leadership, foster advances, and enhance the study of shoulder.
The meeting will serve as forum where persons involved in this field of medicine can meet, discuss new ideas, and present scientific materials.
The association will afford recognition to those who have contributed to surgery of the shoulder by extending to them membership in the association.

-Section III. Offices:

The address of the registered office of this association shall be set in Nobuhara Hospital in Japan.
This association may have other offices in each country, during the annual scientific meeting of this association.

Article II - Membership, Ethic and Discipline

-Section I. There shall be two classes of membership in the association:

Founding member:
An active member shall have demonstrated a proven interest in and contribution to the field of shoulder surgery by educational background, presentations at scientific meetings, publications, and distribution of the prospective member's medical practice.
Membership in the association shall be considered to be a privilege and by invitation only. Foundingmembers may sponsor an individual for active membership by writing supporting letters to the executive committee.
Annual dues may include a registration fee. The amount shall be determined by the executive committee.

-Section II. Ethics and Discipline

Each member shall be expected to comply with "the Principles of Medical Ethics of the World Medical Association" and with the by-laws and amendment to the by-laws of this association.

Article III - Couoncil, Executive Comittee and Officers

-Section I. Council and Executive Committee

The council shall be composed of 12 countries from New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Korea and Japan.
The executive committee shall be composed of founding members: (Peter Hales, Gong-Yi Huang, Chuanhan Feng, Pu-Fan Chien, K.M. Chan, Chehab R. Hilmy, Ryuji Yamamoto, Hiroaki Tsutsui, Nobuyuki Ito, Minoru Sakurai, Katsuya Nobuhara, Young-Kyun Woo, N.Subramanian, Antonio A. Rivera, Lauro M. Abrahan Jr., Andres Borromeo, V.P. Kumar, Jiunn-Jer Wu, Vatanachai Rojvanit).

-Section II. Officers

Officers of the association shall be the president, the vice-president, and the secretary-treasurer.

-Section III. Terms

Officers shall serve three years of office.

-Section IV. Duties of the executive committee

The executive committee shall be the administrative authority of the association.
The executive committee will conduct an annual committee business meeting preceding the annual scientific meeting of the association.
The executive committee shall be responsible for membership selection and for the discipline of the members.

Article IV – Amendments

-Section I.
All proposed amendments to the by-laws of the association must be signed by active members and submitted to the secretary-treasurer. The amendments shall be accepted if a 2/3 affirmative vote is obtained by the voting member present at the annual business meeting of the members of the association.

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